ΓΡΗΓΟΡΑΣ Νικηφόρος, SCHOPEN Ludwig (ed.), “Nicephori Gregorae byzantina historia : Graece et latine cum annotationibus Hier. Wolfii, Car. Ducangii, Io. Boivini et Cl. Capperonnerii”, Volume I & II, 1829, 1830. COMPLETE the history of Nicephorus Gregoras, from the famous series of “Corpus Scriptorum Historiae Byzantinae”, the monumental series of primary sources for the study of Byzantine history, published in Bonn between 1828 and 1897. The project, conceived by the historian Barthold Georg Niebuhr and first based at the University of Bonn. The two volumes are edited by Ludwig Schopen (1799-1867), German Byzantinist that worked closely with Bonn professor Barthold Georg Niebuhr. The astronomer and historian, Nicephorus Gregoras, became the archivist of the Byzantine Emperor Andronikos II Palaiologos and was involved in the fruitless negotiations of 1333 to unite the Greek and Latin Churches. His history begins with the capture of Constantinople by the Franks in 1204 and goes through the 14th century, with the events following the death of Andronikos III, ending in 1351, during the troubled reign of John VI Cantacuzene. 8vo, pp. c, 568 + 569-1385. Original text in Greek and translation with comments in Latin. Contemporary leather spines with decorations in gilt. Rubbed externally, spotting inside. Rare.