ZRECIN J., “Beschreibung der Kaiserstadt Constantinopel, ihrer Umgebungen, Sitten und Gebräuche. Nebst einem Anhang, die türkische Festungsstadt Schumla darstellend”, Koblenz, Wilhelm Mainzer, 1829. 8vo, pp. vi, 41, [1], 8. Rare enlarged edition with 2 extra plates comparing to the first edition printed in Vienna, 1826. Very little is known about the author that is mentioned in the Maiz 1828 edition. This work provide an accurate description of Constantinople, accompanied with eight (8) impressive engravings: Portrait of Hussein Pascha 1828, Folding map “Die Europeische Turkey”, folding view of Constantinople (24x20cm), folding plan of Cosntantinople (33x30cm) “Grundriss von Constantinopel Galata und Scutari” with a key of 78 numbered places of interest, portrait of Sultan Mahmud II, 1828, folding plan (23x20cm) entitled“Grundriss von Schumla”, folding plate (21x20cm) entitled “die acht und zwanzig Glaubensartikel der Mohammedaner” and a large folding plate of an Ottoman firman (58x47cm). Contemporary paper boards. Heavy external wear mainly on spine with large parts chipped. Spotting inside, short tear on the folding plan of Istanbul. Rare. Blackmer 1872