[ΓΑΛΑΝΗΣ] GIDE Andre, GALANIS D. (ill.), “Les Nourritures Terrestres”, Paris, Librairie Gallimard, 1930. 4to, pp.370. ONE OF THE ONLY SIXTEEN (16) COPIES printed in in paper “Montval Verge Blanc”, numbered “XXXIV”, including a SUITE of the 49 main-body etchings. The main-body includes 6 woodcut ornaments and Forty-nine (49) etchings comprising of: Frontispiece, 8 full-page etchings, 19 vignettes (3 on: cover, title-page & contents), 2 engraved initial, 19 chapter ornaments. Housed in special carton case. ΓΑΛΑΝΗΣ «Τα εικονογραφημένα βιβλία» 1930/1